Sleep and Recovery


One of the most common patient history findings that I always encounter in patients that present with chronic musculoskeletal and health issues, or repetitive acute injuries and niggles are that they are usually suffering from poor sleep.

The importance of sleep in terms of recovery, immunity and performance has been extensively researched throughout the years! (1-5) As such, in order to get the best out of your chiropractic treatments, one must understand the role of good quality sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that healthy adults (aged 26-64) need at between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. Babies, young children and teens will require more to support growth and development! (6)


Why is Sleep important?

Good quality sleep has been found to be crucial in many of our body processes.

  • Immunity – Sleep has been shown to be crucial in your body’s immune defence. (1,2,5,7) As it is crucial for the production and release of cytokines which are crucial for immune response, hence preventing illness.
  • Recovery – Athletes with poor sleep hygiene has been shown to be more prone to injuries, less adaptable to variations of training loads, as well as recover from their injuries slower than others. (3,4,5,8)
  • Performance – Similarly, in many settings, athletic performance have been shown to be extremely dependant on sleep quality. (3,5,9)
  • Mood and Cognitive function – Sleep research also pointed to a role in maintaining optimum cognitive function in many settings (infant and youth, sports, military and elderly)(10-13) as well as prevent mood disorders.


How do we improve Sleep Hygiene?

Regardless of which stage of life you are in, be it a busy career mom trying to juggle family and work, a fresh graduate trying to make a career or a teen trying to cope with studies and the anxiety of missing out on anything fun, try to learn to make sleep a priority!

Below is an excerpt taken from the National Sleep Foundation (14):

“Improving your sleep hygiene, which includes your bedroom setting and sleep-related habits, is an established way to get better rest. Examples of sleep hygiene improvements include:

  • Sticking to the same sleep schedule every day, even on weekends.
  • Practicing a relaxing pre-bed routine to make it easier to fall asleep quickly.
  • Choosing a mattress that is supportive and comfortable and outfitting it with quality pillows and bedding.
  • Minimizing potential disruptions from light and sound while optimizing your bedroom temperature and aroma.
  • Disconnecting from electronic devices like mobile phones and laptops for a half-hour or more before bed.
  • Carefully monitoring your intake of caffeine and alcohol and trying to avoid consuming them in the hours before bed. “

Should your poor sleep persist despite adopting the steps above, you may have other underlying medical condition/s that is affecting your ability to get a good night rest. The next step would be to consult a sleep physician to undergo further testing and examination to source out any potential pathology. You could refer to the Singapore Sleep Society website (15) for further information and contacts.

I hope this article enlightened you about the role of good quality sleep in your recovery. We at PhysioMed look forward to assist you in your quest for health.


Dr Han



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